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Unhealthy Ways To Cope With Stress

Unhealthy Ways To Cope With Stress

Posted by Ameriden International on 9th May 2017

You cannot get through life without experiencing stress from time to time. In the age of modern technology, our fast-paced lives can feel at times as if they are spinning completely out of control. Although you may not be able to avoid stress, you can learn healthy ways to cope with it. Before you adopt healthy coping mechanisms for stress, read the following coping mechanisms that are harmful to your health. If you identify with any of the following habits, then it’s never too late to turn your life around.


Drinking could be thought of as America’s favorite extracurricular activity, but that doesn't mean that it’s good for you. We are not suggesting that you refrain from drinking altogether, but drinking specifically to “take the edge off” can be harmful to your health. When alcohol consumption is used as a coping mechanism, it can quickly spiral into a drinking problem or alcoholism. Alcohol also dehydrates you, which can increase your stress levels as well.

Smoking Cigarettes

For several decades, we’ve all been warned about the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, but millions of people smoke cigarettes anyway. Although puffing on a cigarette can feel soothing, the reality is that you are increasing your tension and anxiety every time that inhale smoke. The active ingredient in cigarettes is nicotine, which elevates your body’s anxiety levels. We won’t go into the other negative effects that cigarette smoking has on your health because you already know about them.

Stress Eating

One of the most common ways that people cope with stress is by emotional eating. Emotional eating can increase your blood pressure because you are consistently eating unhealthy foods. When people are stressed out and trying to beat a deadline, they may rely on fast food as sustenance instead of taking care of their health. However, these unhealthy foods will only make you feel worse after you’ve consumed them.

Becoming A Couch Potato

Emotional eating goes hand-in-hand with laying around on your couch watching mindless TV and surfing the internet. Watching reality shows for hours at a time will only make you feel worse. Unhealthy eating combined with a sedentary lifestyle is very damaging to your health and your overall sense of wellbeing.

Adopting A Healthy Lifestyle Is Beneficial

Instead of turning to food or alcohol to cope with stress, consider taking positive actions in order to improve your sense of well-being. Instead of sitting on your couch and bingeing on a bag of potato chips, get moving. Go outside and take a walk because exercise and exposure to the outdoors are both good for you. Regular, moderate exercise has positive effects on your health and can help you deal with stress without turning to alcohol or cigarettes. Eating a healthy, balanced diet can indirectly help you cope with stress by elevating your energy levels and could help you sleep better.

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