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Unhealthy Ways To Cope With Stress

Unhealthy Ways To Cope With Stress

Posted by Ameriden International on 9th May 2017

You cannot get through life without experiencing stress from time to time. In the age of modern technology, our fast-paced lives can feel at times as if they are spinning completely out of control. Al … read more
Healthy Methods For Coping With Stress

Healthy Methods For Coping With Stress

Posted by Ameriden International on 9th May 2017

Unfortunately, stress is a part of life. Work, finances, relationships, and a variety of other factors can cause our stress levels to rise. In such a fast paced, technology-based society, people are f … read more
Who Are The Most Stressed Out People In The US?

Who Are The Most Stressed Out People In The US?

Posted by Ameriden International on 9th May 2017

It’s no secret that we live in a stressed out society. You see it on the streets in the road rage of passing drivers. You see it in the glazed eyes of coworkers imbibing in more than just one too many … read more
The History of Rhodiola Rosea

The History of Rhodiola Rosea

Posted by Ameriden International on 21st Apr 2017

Have you ever heard of rhodiola rosea? Also known as the “golden root,” rhodiola rosea is a root that grows in the more frigid climates of northern Asia, East Europe, and the Arctic. The Vikings and S … read more
Ancient Uses For The Olive Tree

Ancient Uses For The Olive Tree

Posted by Ameriden International on 11th Apr 2017

Olive trees are one of the heartiest, longest living plants in the world, and they can even live for hundreds of years. Native to the Mediterranean, Asia, and Africa, this tree appears rather short an … read more