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Our Health Supplement Store Discusses Leaky Gut Syndrome

Posted by Ameriden International on 20th Dec 2017

Have you heard of leaky gut syndrome? Over the past few years, more information has come to light about the link between digestive health and overall health. Although most conventional

physicians have limited knowledge of this condition, nutritionists and naturopaths believe that their clients are suffering its effects. What is this condition and how can it be controlled?

What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Also known as intestinal permeability, this condition happens when the lining of the small intestine is damaged and leaks bacteria, undigested food particles and other toxins into the bloodstream. When this occurs, the body can develop allergic and inflammatory reactions such as irritable bowel, chronic fatigue, food allergies, eczema, headaches and more.

If you have a leaky gut, your intestines cannot produce the enzymes to properly digest your food, which means that you cannot absorb all the nutrients from the food you consume. This could lead to a weakened immune system and hormonal imbalances.


Food sensitivities could cause leaky gut, which triggers an inflammatory response in your body. Certain medications can irritate the intestinal lining, which includes antibiotics, steroids and common over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen.


- Chronic bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation

- Weakened immune system

- Headaches

- Nutritional deficiencies

- Skin problems

- Sugar or carb cravings

- Joint pain

- Depression or anxiety

 - Autoimmune diseases

What You Can Do

If you experience any of these symptoms, start by keeping a food journal so you can figure out which foods are causing inflammatory reactions in your body. Eliminate these foods from your diet to see if you begin to feel better.

People experiencing these symptoms often avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine, sugar, soy, dairy and gluten, which could create an inflammatory response. You could even look into eating an anti-inflammatory diet to help control your symptoms. Start taking probiotics to increase the levels of good bacteria.

Foods Good For the Gut

One of the best foods you can consume for your gut health is bone broth, which contains amino acids and collagen, which can help heal your intestinal walls. Start adding small amounts of cultured vegetables into your diet, which help balance pH levels in your intestines and contain probiotics. You could also drink pasteurized kefir or coconut kefir to help support your digestive system.

If you think you may have leaky gut syndrome, consult with a medical professional. The foods you eat contribute to your overall health, so make sure to eat a healthy diet. To further optimize your health, try our online health supplements at Ameriden International. Our supplements include Rosavin®, The Original Olive Leaf Extract® and more.