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Health Supplements and Other Ways to Battle Stress

Health Supplements and Other Ways to Battle Stress

30th May 2018

In our last post, we listed symptoms of stress and noted how unhealthy it is. Stress causes issues for your body and negatively affects your health. Stress causes headaches, insomnia, disrupts your digestion and can cause heart problems. And these are just a few of the symptoms of stress you could suffer.

Stress is something you don't want in your life. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill you can take to make stress go away. However, there are health supplements available from Ameriden that can help.

But you can't expect all of your problems to go away by taking a supplement. There are several ways in which you can help your own cause by dealing with your stress. Here are a few ways in which you can better deal with stress.

Learn to Say No

One very common cause of stress is simply having way too much to do; your plate is overflowing. It is in these types of situations that you need to tell people no when they ask you to help or to do something.

Many people find it difficult to say no, because they are nice people or they wish to come across as easy going and friendly. Other can't say no because they fear conflict, or worse, repercussion.

What you need to keep in mind is that all barriers and self-created. You are the one who can break that unhealthy cycle, break through the barriers and say no. Just make sure to do it in a polite manner being as gentle as possible.

Time Management

Make a list of the things you need to get done over a period of time, whether that be for a day or a week. Make note of the things you have to do personally and tasks that can be delegated to others.

Mark the priority items and get those out of the way as soon as you can. This should then leave you with a manageable list that can be done with plenty of time to spare.

The key is to get others to help. You need to learn how to delegate to others to relieve your stress.

Take Control

We all have to deal with problems, it’s in how we do this that can stress us out. Basically, the way to do this is to write a problem down and then think about the number of ways it can be solved. Take into consideration the time involved and the people who can be part of the solution. You still have to deal with problems, but being organized about it eases the stress.


There are a number of ways in which you can get yourself to relax including massage therapy, yoga and meditation.

You may wish to pay a visit to your massage therapist once or twice a week, engage in yoga a few mornings a week and meditate whenever you get the chance. You can also try aromatherapy, listening to calming music and practice progressive muscle relaxation.

Sleep Better

You should use relaxation methods to help you sleep better at night. Ensure that your bedroom is a tranquil oasis, with no reminders of the stressful work day or other things that cause you stress.

Skip the soda, coffee and other caffeinated products in the evenings. Avoid working on anything that might stress you out in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Grab a book that you are enjoying, take a warm bath and give your body time to settle down.

Plenty of Exercise

There are many reasons you should be getting plenty of exercise every week. One good reason is that exercise will help lower your stress levels.

Exercise will also make you happy, which helps battle stress as well.

Best of all, exercise has a bunch of side-effects that will keep you strong and healthy including weight loss, stronger heart and lower blood pressure.

Things to Avoid

When you are feeling the effects of stress, it is best for you not to drink alcohol and you need to avoid both caffeine and nicotine.

It might seem calming to light up a cigarette and sip a Scotch, but just the opposite is true.

When you need tranquility, Ameriden recommends Rosavin Plus. Check it out today. 

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